Cansunar, Asli & Nela Mrchkovska (2024), "Beyond the Classroom? Primary Schools and Rural Civic Participation." Journal of Historical Political Economy: Vol. 3: No. 4, pp 501-525. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/115.00000060
Mrchkovska, N., Nives Dolšak & Aseem Prakash (2024), “Morality meets menu: investigating the impact of moral appeals on vegetarianism through a conjoint survey experiment.” Climatic Change 177, 38. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-024-03695-5
Mrchkovska, Nela, Nives Dolšak, & Aseem Prakash (2023), “Does ESG privilege climate action over social and governance issues? A content analysis of BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s annual letters.” PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 2: 12. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pstr.0000090
Mrchkovska, Nela, Nives Dolšak & Aseem Prakash (2023), “Pope Francis, Climate Message, and Meat Tax: Evidence from Survey Experiment in Italy.” npj Climate Action 2: 10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44168-023-00040-x
“The Sacred Image of Russia as a Determinant in the Popular Support of Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine War” (Revise & Resubmit)
“Voices from the Pulpit: Discourse on Racial Justice and Gun Violence in US Congregations” (with Enrique Quezada-Llanes) (conditionally accepted at Sociological Focus)
“The Social Construction of Public Performance Evaluation: Do Opinions of Others Influence How Citizens Evaluate Public Performance Information?” (with Anastasiia Andreeva and Jurgen Willems)
“Hear Ye, Hear Ye: When Religious Leaders Sermonize on Climate Change”
“Holy Words, Contentious Topic: Analysis of Political Speech on Abortion in Religious Sermons”
“The Impact of Top Down Secularization on Gender Inequality’’ (with Asli Cansunar and Berfin Baydar)
"Reputation of Environmental Agency as a Determinant in Climate Policy Support" (with Jurgen Willems)
“From Streets to Sermons: Effects of Proximity and Exposure to Protests and Gun Violence on Politicization of US Congregations” (with Enrique Quezada-Llanes)
"What's in a Name? Naming Practices as Acts of Political Resistance" (with Ramses Llobet and Asli Cansunar)
“Broadcasting Heritage: The Role of Folklore in Preserving Minority Identity” (with Asli Cansunar)